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Site specific installations- each artist using the interior space of equal-size cubes
EAF Annual Report 1989
Performances by Pam Harris and Michele Luke; Ania Walwicz ('Father’); Jan Hubruchsen ('5000 years of Indian Motion Picture Music’); Andrew Stock ('A Small Section of Being a Boy’); Andrew Petrusevics ('Check your Answers’).
Performance night and film performances
Cross media/ multi media exhibition, artists exchange. Australian participation co-ordinated through Experimental Art Foundation. 60+ Australian artists represented by bookworks, film, video, and sound.
Therese Kenyon speaker and Guest artist in ANZART Auckland of 1985 in New Zealand.
Performance by Richard Grayson and Michele Luke
Richard Grayson residency Experimental Art Foundation (November 1984)
Installation, part of large festival organised by Women’s Art Movement (WAM), artists include Michelle Luke, Simone Mangos, Kim Machin, held at Jam Factory space, including basement area