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An exhibition of three generations of studio ceramics in Australia, from the 1960s when potters were influenced by Bernard Leach’s understanding of Japanese aesthetics, to a more liberated creative approach.
It was drawn in its entirety from the collection of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences.
Living Treasures: Masters of Australian Craft.
Initiative of the Australian Design Centre. (ADC)
'The series aims to celebrate the achievements of Australia’s most iconic crafts practitioners, through a touring exhibition and a major monograph publication.’
ADC 2019
The Colin & Cecily Rigg Craft Award 1994
National Gallery of Victoria.
Winner – Neville Assad-Salha $30,000
“... It is dedicated to ceramics and the works of 25 Victorian potters who show up to five pieces. As many are of monumental proportions, the exhibition is big and crowded. [...] this major, though not exhaustive, statement (exhibition) provides viewers with a vibrant overview of the current vigour and originality of contemporary ceramics.”
Review. The Age 16/08 1994 p.18
Cup competition – Arts and Crafts Society of Victoria. 1989 Winner – Prue Venables
ACSV Est 1908. Collins St, Melbourne