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An exhibition of three generations of studio ceramics in Australia, from the 1960s when potters were influenced by Bernard Leach’s understanding of Japanese aesthetics, to a more liberated creative approach.
It was drawn in its entirety from the collection of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences.
Group show celebrating 60 years of the studio ceramics tradition at the National Art School, Darlinghurst, NSW.
solo show
solo retrospective
Draws inspiration from traditional legends of her Thainakuith culture and translates these traditional stories into contemporary visual images. Ceramic artist and Indigenous Australian potter.
Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
BCAG exhibition archive; http://www.qag.qld.gov.au/storyplace/artist_thancoupie.htm (21/01/04)
Opened by Destiny Deacon.
Opened by the Hon. Dr Carmen Lawrence. Heritage book launched at the same time. The touring exhibition, Sydney by Design, formed one section of this exhibition.