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Date modified Nov. 15, 2012, 10:22 p.m. Nov. 15, 2012, 10:21 p.m.
References [<ExternalResource: Ross McMullin (1984), 'Will Dyson', Sydney: Angus & Robertson,, Jocelyn Plate owns a lot of the late Dyson material used by McMullin.>, <ExternalResource: Eileen Chanin, Steven Miller with Judith Pugh (1 January 2005), 'Degenerates and Perverts. The 1939 Herald Exhibition of French and British Contemporary Art'.>, <ExternalResource: anon (1 January 1941), 'Design in Everyday Things'.>] [<ExternalResource: anon. (1941), 'Design in Everyday Things', Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Ross McMullin (1984), 'Will Dyson', Sydney: Angus & Robertson,, Jocelyn Plate owns a lot of the late Dyson material used by McMullin.>, <ExternalResource: Eileen Chanin, Steven Miller with Judith Pugh (1 January 2005), 'Degenerates and Perverts. The 1939 Herald Exhibition of French and British Contemporary Art'.>, <ExternalResource: anon (1 January 1941), 'Design in Everyday Things'.>]