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Brooks, Peter (1996), 'Albert Gleizes: For and Against the Twentieth Century’, unpublished notes (quotes Dangar’s notes for classes given at Moly-Sabata) (cited Topliss, 2001).
Burke, Janine (1980), 'Australian Women Artists 1840-1940’, Collingwood, Victoria.
McCulloch, Alan and McCulloch, Susan (1994), 'The Encyclopedia of Australian Art’, St Leonards, New South Wales.
McPhee, John (1982), 'Australian Decorative Arts in the Australian National Gallery’, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory.
Maxwell, Helen (1989), 'A profile of Anne Dangar’, Art and Australia, Volume 26, Issue 3 (autumn).
Pouyaud, Robert (1955), 'Anne Dangar Potiére’, Moly Sabata, René Déroudille et al., Editions Atelier de la Rose, Lyon, France (cited Topliss 2001).
Timms, Peter (1986), 'Australian Studio Pottery and China Painting’, Melbourne, Victoria.
Topliss, Helen (2000), 'Earth, Fire, Water, Air: Anne Dangar’s Letters to Grace Crowley 1930-1951’, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, New South Wales.
(1928), Undergrowth, Sept-Oct.
(1955), Zodiaque 8, 25 April.
Dangar, Anne, 'Anne Dangar letters’, Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney.
Telephone conversation with Kevin Smith (1962), notes in Dictionary of Australian Artists (file).
(8 April 1952), Zodiaque.
(2001), 'Anne Dangar at Moly-Sabata: Tradition and Innovation’, (exhibition and handlist), 13 July – 28 Oct, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra.
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