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anon (1 January 1970), 'Industrial Design Institute of Australia’.
anon (1 January 2012), 'DIA Design Hall of Fame | Design Institute of Australia’.
http://www.dia.org.au/index.cfm?id=179Michelle Hespe (1 January 2007), 'David Davenport, Senior Designer, Breville (profile)’.
“To show what our designers are doing now.” Sydney Morning Herald, September 14, 1969, p.64 (survey of exhibition of ten commercial furniture designers)
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Date modified | April 28, 2014, 8:42 p.m. | Oct. 21, 2013, 8:52 p.m. |
References | [<ExternalResource: anon (1 January 1970), 'Industrial Design Institute of Australia'.>, <ExternalResource: anon (1 January 2012), 'DIA Design Hall of Fame | Design Institute of Australia'.>, <ExternalResource: Michelle Hespe (1 January 2007), 'David Davenport, Senior Designer, Breville (profile)'.>, <ExternalResource: "To show what our designers are doing now." Sydney Morning Herald, September 14, 1969, p.64 (survey of exhibition of ten commercial furniture designers)>] | [<ExternalResource: anon (1 January 1970), 'Industrial Design Institute of Australia'.>, <ExternalResource: anon (1 January 2012), 'DIA Design Hall of Fame | Design Institute of Australia'.>, <ExternalResource: Michelle Hespe (1 January 2007), 'David Davenport, Senior Designer, Breville (profile)'.>] |