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exhibited at
Ernest Fooks: Architect

An exhibition curated by Helen Stuckey, “Ernest Fooks: Architect” was held at the Jewish Museum of Australia, Melbourne, October-November 2001. A 57 page catalogue was prepared by Dr Harriet Edquist, RMIT.

exhibited at
In quest and praise of indigenous architecture and folk art : Dr. Ernest Fooks, retrospective exhibition
12 October 1989 - 29 October 1989
Caulfield Arts Complex, Caulfield, Melbourne, VIC

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Date modified June 26, 2019, 7:11 p.m. June 26, 2019, 7:10 p.m.
References [<ExternalResource: Ernest Fooks: Architect by Harriet Edquist, School of Architecture and Design RMIT, 2001 ISBN: 086459 164 0>, <ExternalResource: Harriet Edquist, "Vienna Abroad." RMIT Design Archives Journal, 9:1, 2019, p.34 (bio summary)>] [<ExternalResource: Ernest Fooks: Architect by Harriet Edquist, School of Architecture and Design RMIT, 2001 ISBN: 086459 164 0>]