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(1 January 1910), 'The Australian Girl as seen by Florence Rodway’, 282(?), series.
ed. Kerr, Joan, 'Florence Aline Rodway by Bell, Pamela’, Heritage, Craftsman House, Sydney, NSW.
Ambrus, Caroline (1984), 'The Ladies’ Picture Show’, Sydney, NSW.
Souter, D. H. (1909), 'Miss Florence Rodway: Comments on her work’, Art and Architecture, 6.
(1916), Art in Australia, 1.
(1 April 1910), 'The Art of the Year’, Lone Hand, 665.
Interview with Hazel de Berg (8 December 1965), 'Rodway, Florence’, National Library of Australia, Canberra, oral history tape 156.
Letter from Collins, Susanne (the artist’s daughter) (1983), DAA.
Backhouse, Sue (1988), 'Florence Rodway’, Australian Dictionary of Biography 11, ed. Pike, D., Shaw, A., Clark, M., Nairn,B., Serle, G., and Ward, R., vols 1-6, Melbourne 1966/1976 (1988) and Tasmanian Artists of the Twentieth Century, Hobart 1988.
(1918), Art in Australia, 4.
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Date modified | March 5, 2015, 11:50 a.m. | Nov. 5, 2014, 12:45 p.m. |
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