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Date modified Feb. 8, 2024, 2:50 p.m. Feb. 8, 2024, 2:48 p.m.
References [<ExternalResource: Frank De Groot (1962), 'Typescript of Autobiographical Information.', Australia.>, <ExternalResource: Michael Bogle (1 January 2000), '"Antiques of the Future."'.Australiana. February 2000, pps. 19-26.>, <ExternalResource: James R. Lawson (1 January 1949), 'Catalogue of A Most Important Collection of Antique and Period Furniture...Major Frank De Groot owing to his immediate departure for abroad..."'.>, <ExternalResource: “Australian Furniture.” Architectural Section, (J.L. Stephen Mansfield, editor.), Art in Australia 16 November 1936, pps.77-88. [furniture by S. Lipson, Molly Gray/Ricketts and Thorp, Fred Ward, F.E. de Groot, Hera Roberts, Stuart-Low Furniture Studio, H. Goldman P/L, Mewton and Grounds, E.F. Bilson/Branchflower]>] [<ExternalResource: Frank De Groot (1962), 'Typescript of Autobiographical Information.', Australia.>, <ExternalResource: Michael Bogle (1 January 2000), '"Antiques of the Future."'.Australiana. February 2000, pps. 19-26.>, <ExternalResource: James R. Lawson (1 January 1949), 'Catalogue of A Most Important Collection of Antique and Period Furniture...Major Frank De Groot owing to his immediate departure for abroad..."'.>]