References |
[<ExternalResource: anon. (1 January 1948), '"Frank Fox, Store Designer."'.>, <ExternalResource: anon (1 January 1948), '"Searles Flower Shop."'.>, <ExternalResource: anon (1 January 1948), '"Modern Basement Cafe."'.>, <ExternalResource: Macnaughts Remodelled Store. Decoration and Glass, September-October, 1947, pp.24-26>, <ExternalResource: "Home at Castlecrag." Decoration and Glass, July-August 1947, pp.10-11. >]
[<ExternalResource: anon. (1 January 1948), '"Frank Fox, Store Designer."'.>, <ExternalResource: anon (1 January 1948), '"Searles Flower Shop."'.>, <ExternalResource: anon (1 January 1948), '"Modern Basement Cafe."'.>, <ExternalResource: Macnaughts Remodelled Store. Decoration and Glass, September-October, 1947, pp.24-26>]