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Ross, Gail (2005), 'A Sullen Silence: Frank Weitzel, Modernist (1905-1932)’, Art New Zealand, Number 116, (Spring), Auckland.
Sheding, Stephen (1987), 'Masterpieces of Australian printmaking’, Paddington, New South Wales: Josef Lebovic Gallery, ed. Josef Lebovic, p 152.
Lebovic, Josef and Warner, Sandra (1988), 'Fifty years of Australian printmaking: Sydney Long to Eric Thake’, Paddington, New South Wales: Josef Lebovic Gallery.
Lebovic, Josef (1997), '20th Anniversary Exhibition Collectors’ List No.63’, Paddington, New South Wales: Josef Lebovic Gallery, cat.140.
Taylor, Kerry (7 April 1900), 'Weitzel, Hedwig 1900 – 1971’, Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, website updated 7 April 2006.
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Date modified | June 13, 2013, 9:06 a.m. | May 16, 2012, 8:30 a.m. |
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