You are viewing the version of persongroup from July 23, 2014, 5:11 p.m. , as edited by Michael Bogle (moderator approved).
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Date modified July 23, 2014, 5:11 p.m. July 23, 2014, 5:06 p.m.
References [<ExternalResource: Australian Controls buys Aristoc. Canberra Times 10 April 1968, p.23>, <ExternalResource: Fred Lowen. Dunera Boy, Furniture Designer, Artist. Prendergast Publishing, n.d., pp.164-166>, <ExternalResource: Anne Watson. "Brave innovation: the story of the Featherston Stem chair." (includes reference to Aristoc start up)>, <ExternalResource: Ray Edgar. "Australia's own 20th century furniture designs on show Read more:"">] [<ExternalResource: Australian Controls buys Aristoc. Canberra Times 10 April 1968, p.23>, <ExternalResource: Fred Lowen. Dunera Boy, Furniture Designer, Artist. Prendergast Publishing, n.d., pp.164-166>, <ExternalResource: Anne Watson. "Brave innovation: the story of the Featherston Stem chair." (includes reference to Aristoc start up)>]