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Date modified Aug. 8, 2021, 10:06 a.m. Aug. 8, 2021, 10:04 a.m.
References [<ExternalResource: "Art's Part in Industry. First Local Exhibition." Sydney Morning Herald, 12 Dec 1940, p.3>, <ExternalResource: Australian Commercial and Industrial Artists Association collection and files State Library of Victoria>, <ExternalResource: "Effect on Artists." The Argus, 20 July 1939, p.3 Reporting first meeting of "newly formed ACIAA") "The object of the association is the [illegible] and betterment of conditions among commercial artists. It will also [illegible] lectures on technical subjects and [illegible] annual exhibitions of work. Mr Best Overend gave the first lecture last night (19 July 1939.>] [<ExternalResource: "Art's Part in Industry. First Local Exhibition." Sydney Morning Herald, 12 Dec 1940, p.3>, <ExternalResource: Australian Commercial and Industrial Artists Association collection and files State Library of Victoria>]