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Pilar Mitchell, “Ending on a high note.” Sydney Broadsheet, August-September 2019, p.11-12
Michael Lea, Violin made by Harry Vatiliotis with profile.
https://collection.maas.museum/object/11226Field | This Version | Previous Version |
Date modified | Aug. 21, 2019, 7:59 p.m. | Aug. 21, 2019, 7:57 p.m. |
References | [<ExternalResource: Pilar Mitchell, "Ending on a high note." Sydney Broadsheet, August-September 2019, p.11-12>, <ExternalResource: Michael Lea, Violin made by Harry Vatiliotis with profile.>] | [<ExternalResource: Pilar Mitchell, "Ending on a high note." Sydney Broadsheet, August-September 2019, p.11-12>] |