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Fahy, Kevin and Simpson, Andrew (1998), 'Australian Furniture: Pictorial History and Dictionary 1788-1938.’, Casuarina Press, Sydney, pp. 101-102.
Anon (1900), 'Councillor H. Passmore Visits Mother Country’, The Umpire, March 24.
Erickson, Dorothy (2000), 'Inspired by Light and Land: Designers and Makers in Western Australia’, unpublished manuscript.
Genoni, J. A. (1981), 'Now and Then’, Albany Advertiser.
(1920), 'The Imperial Veteran Henry Passmore’, West Australian, March (?), Typescript copy.
Tompkins, Pearl (1987), 'The Passmore Family from Devon England’, July, Typescript copy.
Information from McGurk, Kate.