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Erickson, Dorothy (2000), 'Art and Design in Western Australia: Perth Technical College 1900-2000’, Central Metropolitan College of TAFE, Perth, WA.
(1987), 'At the Toss of a Coin: Joseph Furphy: The Western Link’, Tom Collins Press, Perth, WA.
Erickson, Dorothy (2000), 'Inspired by Light and Land: Designers and Makers in Western Australia’, unpublished manuscript.
(1991), 'Pathway to Magic: The Story of May Gibbs in Western Australia’, Challenge Bank, Perth, WA.
(1984), 'Pillows on the Thorn’, Perth, WA, self (poetry) and others.
'West Australian Society of Arts Exhibition Catalogues’, Perth, WA.
Morrow, D.; Sedgely, M. & Walsh A., T. (1979), 'West Australian Women’s Society of Fine Arts and Crafts: It’s Time to Remember: 1835 – 1978’, Western Australian Women’s Society of Fine Arts and Crafts, Perth, WA.
(1942?), 'With Bobby and Ann in Beeloo’, Perth, WA: Pattersons.
Benson, George (1935-08?), West Australian, p. 7.