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anon (25 January 2011), 'Joy de Gruchy (1922-2011)’.
Exhibitor in the Society for Interior Designers of Australia exhibition “25 Years of Design”. Work illustrated in catalogue, 1973, unpaginated. (illustrated)
Joy de Gruchy. “INTERIOR DESIGN – ITS RELATIONSHIP TO THE ARCHITECTURAL PROFESSION AND TO THE PUBLIC.” Address to the Royal Australian Institute of Architects, Queensland Chapter, October 1968.
Rayne de Gruchy, Career resume: “JOY DE GRUCHY AND CRAFTSMAN’S MARKET 1963-1988 AN ICONIC BRISBANE BUSINESS FOR 25 YEARS.” n.d., unpublished.
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Date modified | Oct. 8, 2020, 9:10 a.m. | Oct. 8, 2020, 9:03 a.m. |
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