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BEAP (2004), 'Same Difference, Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth 2004 Exhibition Guide’.
http://blogs.unsw.edu.au/tiic/files/2011/11/beap_2004.pdfBEAP (2004), 'Same difference, BEAP 04 Exhibitions’, Perth, WA.
http://mass.nomad.net.au/wp-content/uploads/beap/beap2004/Ed Scheer, 'The Sleepy Robot and Other Stories for Children’
http://artspace.org.au/content/pdf/2013_Col_EScheer_MVelonaki_web.pdfField | This Version | Previous Version |
Date modified | Feb. 14, 2014, 7:39 p.m. | May 26, 2013, 9:53 a.m. |
References | [<ExternalResource: BEAP (2004), 'Same Difference, Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth 2004 Exhibition Guide'.>, <ExternalResource: BEAP (2004), 'Same difference, BEAP 04 Exhibitions', Perth, WA.>, <ExternalResource: Ed Scheer, 'The Sleepy Robot and Other Stories for Children'>] | [<ExternalResource: BEAP (2004), 'Same Difference, Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth 2004 Exhibition Guide'.>, <ExternalResource: BEAP (2004), 'Same difference, BEAP 04 Exhibitions', Perth, WA.>] |