References |
[<ExternalResource: Laura Jocic. "Marion Fletcher 1910-2012 curator and costume historian." RMIT Design Archives Journal, 4:2, 2014, pp.4-13.>, <ExternalResource: Marion Fletcher. Costume in Australia 1788-1901. Oxford University Press, 1984.>, <ExternalResource: Marion Fletcher. Female costume in the nineteenth century , Oxford University Press, 1966. >, <ExternalResource: Marion Fletcher. Needlework in Australia : a history of the development of embroidery. Oxford University Press, 1989.>, <ExternalResource: RMIT Design Archives Journal, Vol. 7 NO.1+2 2017, p.21>]
[<ExternalResource: Laura Jocic. "Marion Fletcher 1910-2012 curator and costume historian." RMIT Design Archives Journal, 4:2, 2014, pp.4-13.>, <ExternalResource: Marion Fletcher. Costume in Australia 1788-1901. Oxford University Press, 1984.>, <ExternalResource: Marion Fletcher. Female costume in the nineteenth century , Oxford University Press, 1966. >, <ExternalResource: Marion Fletcher. Needlework in Australia : a history of the development of embroidery. Oxford University Press, 1989.>]