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Mary White
  • Designer (Architect / Interior Architect / Landscape Architect)
Birth date
1 January 1912
Death date
1 January 1981

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Date modified Jan. 5, 2014, 6:02 p.m. Oct. 28, 2013, 7:59 p.m.
References [<ExternalResource: anon 'Mary White School of Art'.Design Australia, 6/1969 pps.60-61>, <ExternalResource: C.A. Morrow (1 January 2005), '"Women and Modernity in Interior Design. A Legacy of Design in Sydney from the 1920s to the 1960s.", (PhD Thesis, UNSW, 2005), Type: other resource'.>, <ExternalResource: "Mary White." full page illus. advert. for Mary White Pty Ltd showing work by Douglas Snelling. Architecture and Arts, June, 1956, p.22>, <ExternalResource: Sue McGrath. "Something that would last." Profile of Mary White. Craft Australia, 1984:4, pp.105-111>] [<ExternalResource: anon 'Mary White School of Art'.Design Australia, 6/1969 pps.60-61>, <ExternalResource: C.A. Morrow (1 January 2005), '"Women and Modernity in Interior Design. A Legacy of Design in Sydney from the 1920s to the 1960s.", (PhD Thesis, UNSW, 2005), Type: other resource'.>, <ExternalResource: "Mary White." full page illus. advert. for Mary White Pty Ltd showing work by Douglas Snelling. Architecture and Arts, June, 1956, p.22>]