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References | [<ExternalResource: Ellis, Eric (9 February 2012), 'The Last Grande Dame of Australian Art'.>, <ExternalResource: Adams, Jude; Barber, Jennifer; Hall, Barbara (15 October 1977), 'Project 21: Women's Images of Women'.>, <ExternalResource: Andrew Pfeiffer (4 October 2012), 'MItty Lee-Brown'.>, <ExternalResource: France, Christine (1987), 'Merioola and After', Sydney, NSWS : H. Ervin Gallery catalogue.>, <ExternalResource: Germaine, Max (1991), 'A Dictionary of Women Artists of Australia', Roseville East, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Turnbull, Clive (1945), 'Mitty Lee Brown younger group', Sydney, NSW : in Present Day Art in Australia, [Smith, Sydney Ure (ed.)].>] | [<ExternalResource: Ellis, Eric (9 February 2012), 'The Last Grande Dame of Australian Art'.>, <ExternalResource: Adams, Jude; Barber, Jennifer; Hall, Barbara (15 October 1977), 'Project 21: Women's Images of Women'.>, <ExternalResource: Andrew Pfeiffer (4 October 2012), 'MItty Lee-Brown'.>] |