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Our computers know us more intimately than lovers behind their user-friendly facades; what do we know of the operating systems that drive our daily fix? Most men and women grapple with issues of online privacy and exposure without understanding how the online world is put together. Geek figures tend to be male: think Julian Assange. What news might a female hacker bring back for the rest of us?
Shown on live site with navigation bar on an LCD monitor 19inch, 1x mini computer, Ethernet cables, mount.
On a coding craft level “I am googable therefore I am” is coded to be a live aggregated feed
A performance with a customized electronic performance tool, a bag that is embedded with a computer platform for broadcasting sound, digital images [video] and text.
The Baglady is a hunter-gatherer of ephemeral moments. She carries a bag with an antenna, and embedded board that catptures these and transmits this to a server.
a playful ode to the history of paraphernalia…
Sound and choreography amongst a matrix of live electronic curiosa, analogue synths, glitches, break beats, hacked electronics & custom-built interfaces.
Broken-up lyrics modified (by sensors) to sound like a radio transmission coming from elsewhere, perhaps even as far as Tasmania…
The /dev/null doll is embedded with light and sound sensors operated in conjunction with human input and Pure Data Graphical Programming Language.dev/null/ is a special *nix file, you pipe your unwanted data flow to this output.
Field | This Version | Previous Version |
Date modified | Jan. 25, 2013, 3:42 p.m. | Jan. 21, 2013, 12:27 p.m. |
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