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The Boulder Town Hall suffered minor structural damage in the earthquake of April 2010. The act drop was not damaged
This heritage listed ceiling can still be seen in the Chelsea fashion boutique which now occupies the original Singer premises
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References | [<ExternalResource: Bordman, Gerald (2004), 'Oxford Companion to American Theatre', Oxford University Press, New York.>, <ExternalResource: (8 January 1892), 'A Scenic Artist at Work', Table Talk, Melbourne.>, <ExternalResource: (31 October 1890) 'Mr Philip Goatcher', Table Talk, Melbourne.>, <ExternalResource: Callaway, Anita (2000), 'Visual Ephemera: Theatrical Art in Nineteenth-Century Australia', UNSW Press, Sydney.>, <ExternalResource: Taylor, Toso (1894), 'Cinderella and the Little Glass Slipper [pantomime libretto]', Lyceum Theatre, Sydney.>, <ExternalResource: Hough, David (15 October 1991), 'Remembrance of Scenes Past', Bulletin, Sydney.>, <ExternalResource: 'An Ex-Scene Painter's Protest' (March 1882), Art Amateur, New York.>, <ExternalResource: McPherson, Ailsa (2010), 'Goatcher, Philip W', Dictionary of Sydney.>, <ExternalResource: (27 December 1890), ''A Strange Career: Sketches by a Scenic Artist' nos 1-15', Australian Star, Sydney.>, <ExternalResource: (26 March 1893), 'Evolution of a Scenic Artist', Morning Call, San Francisco.>, <ExternalResource: (11 March 1927), 'Man of Many Parts', New Zealand Herald, Auckland.>, <ExternalResource: (c.1993), 'Boulder Town Hall--Register of Heritage Places--Assessment Documentation', Heritage Council of Western Australia.>] |