This record needs moderation
associate of
Other occupation
member of
1950 founding member
member of
1962 executive founding member and artist
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Date modified |
Sept. 2, 2020, 10:22 a.m.
Sept. 2, 2020, 10:10 a.m.
References |
[<ExternalResource: Raymond Moult-Spiers WW2 Diaries>, <ExternalResource: Parsons, Julie L.; (2020) "Raymond Moult-Spiers Part 1 The WW2 Diaries", vol 21 pages 42-51, Oz Arts mag Sydney, NSW>, <ExternalResource: Hull, Herbert: "Prison Camp Artist"' A.M. (Australia Magazine), Feb 1953, p.32-33>]
[<ExternalResource: Raymond Moult-Spiers WW2 Diaries>, <ExternalResource: Parsons, Julie L.; (2020) "Raymond Moult-Spiers Part 1 The WW2 Diaries", vol 21 pages 42-51, Oz Arts mag Sydney, NSW>]