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Studio view; 20 × 20 × 20 cm (approx.); edition 45
production: Artery Cooperative Ltd (Luke Adams, Hilary Jackman, Jeph Neale, Andrew Sinclair and Peter Skerys).
detail view; 7 units, 122 × 122 cm each; music from the Necks, 'Aquatic’.
studio view; 150 × 150 cm.; from the series, 'Music for the Eyes’.
7 units, 122 × 122 cm each; from the music of G. I. Gurdjieff, Chant from a Holy Book.
3 units; 150 × 150 cm; from the music of Arvo Part, 'Alina’.
With architects Taylor Cullity Lethlean and Tonkin Zulaikha Greer for Victorian Roads Hume Freeway Development
In collaboration with architects Denton Corker Marshall for the Docklands Authority, Melbourne, Vic.
Fountain, light and text installation for Grattan Gardens Plaza, Prahran, Melbourne, Vic.
Hellenic Tribute, Sydney 2000 Olympics, sculpture installation, Olympic Park, Homebush Bay, Sydney, NSW
paintings 122 × 122 cm each; installation view, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney.
dimensions variable; installation view, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney.
141 × 142 × 142 cm
180 × 250 × 35 cm overall
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Date modified | Oct. 17, 2016, 6:02 p.m. | Oct. 17, 2016, 5:59 p.m. |
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