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Catt furniture can be seen in a 1966 WA exhibition, images held at SL of WA
http://www.slwa.wa.gov.au/images/pd341/341705PD.jpg“Furniture: Flair and Catt.” Canberra Times, 25 Sept 1983, p.2
Field | This Version | Previous Version |
Date modified | May 19, 2022, 3:19 p.m. | May 19, 2022, 3:15 p.m. |
References | [<ExternalResource: Catt furniture can be seen in a 1966 WA exhibition, images held at SL of WA>, <ExternalResource: "Furniture: Flair and Catt." Canberra Times, 25 Sept 1983, p.2>] | [<ExternalResource: Catt furniture can be seen in a 1966 WA exhibition, images held at SL of WA>] |