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[<ExternalResource: Jayamanne, Laleen (comment in Best, Sue, Hanna, Bronwyn, Kenyon,Therese and Kerr, Joan) (1991), '"at least it's gone to a good home"', Tin Sheds Gallery catalogue, University of Sydney, New South Wales, p. 14.>, <ExternalResource: A poster, "Mental as Anything" 1981 attributed to Sheona White is illustrated in Jos. Lebovic, Collector's List 197, 2019, p.26>]
[<ExternalResource: Jayamanne, Laleen (comment in Best, Sue, Hanna, Bronwyn, Kenyon,Therese and Kerr, Joan) (1991), '"at least it's gone to a good home"', Tin Sheds Gallery catalogue, University of Sydney, New South Wales, p. 14.>]