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Residential three day program of workshops/seminars assessing Art and Technology. Australian participants included: Jill Scott, Joan Grounds, Jean Marc Le Pechoux, Allan Vizents, Martin Munz, Adam Boyd, Russell Lake, Barry Conyngham, Dr Peter Ellyard, Garry Benson, Stephanie Britton, Simon Biggs and Louise Dauth with a keynote address by Donald Brook
Art & Tech Seminar October 1985 EAF
Group exhibition
Ideas on Ice: an Adelaide Salon de Refuses
various SA artists organised by Stephanie Britton, Christine Goodwin and Elizabeth McKinnon for Artworkers Union; 'cold storage’ projects- maquettes, etc using artists’ contracts
organised by Experimental Art Foundation staff, held during Anzart-in-Hobart; first national conference alternative art spaces; 3 day prog., 20 spaces represented
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Date modified | Dec. 15, 2024, 8:52 a.m. | Dec. 15, 2024, 8:51 a.m. |
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