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Commissioned by Hornsby Shire Council. Location: Florence Street Mall, Hornsby, Sydney, NSW. Art critic and educator Michael Hedger in his book 'Public Sculpture in Australia’ (Craftsman House, 1995) notes “Australia’s most recent major fountain ranks as its most unique… The fountain is of cast bronze, stainless steel and plate glass, and the scale and the extraordinary combinations provide a work of surprising harmony. Cusack’s environmental sentiments are readily apparent and the local Council’s initiative in commissioning such a work is visionary.” A leaking pipe following the incorrect removal and reinstallation of the work during the Westfield Hornsby expansion caused the fountain to be out of action for four years. The protracted legal battle to restore the fountain to its former state is a landmark case in fighting for public artists rights.
Commissioned by Mosman Council Location: Balmoral Beach, Sydney. Two other casts of this sculpture are located at Scone, NSW (March 1994) and Leith Docks, Edinburgh, Scotland. (August 1994)
Location: South Sydney Town Hall. Sculpted for the 1990 visit of the Duke of Wellington
Commissioned by Botany Cemetery Trust. Location: Crematorium gardens, Botany Cemetery, Botany, Sydney, NSW
Commissioned by Warringah Shire Council Location: Warringah Mall, Brookvale, Sydney, NSW
Commissioned by Rockdale Council Sponsored by NSW Bi-centennial Committee Location: Sans Souci, Botany Bay, Sydney, NSW
Commissioned by Botany Council Location: Joseph Banks Bicentennial Park, Botany, Sydney, NSW
Commissioned by Ku-ring-gai council. Location: Pymble War memorial Park, Sydney, NSW A second copy is located on the Pacific Highway at Gordon, Sydney, NSW and a third copy is located at Governor Phillip Park in Warringah.
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Date modified | Oct. 19, 2011, 12:56 p.m. | Oct. 19, 2011, 12:44 p.m. |