You are viewing the version of bio from July 20, 2014, 10:56 a.m. , as edited by Olga Sedneva (needs approval).
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friend of
Edouard Borovansky
Artist (Draughtsman), Artist (Painter)
associate of
Sir Eugene Goossens
Other occupation

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Date modified July 20, 2014, 10:56 a.m. July 20, 2014, 9:42 a.m.
References [<ExternalResource: McCulloch, Alan (1984), 'Encyclopedia of Australian Art', Melbourne, Vic : Hutchinson of Australia (2nd edition).>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Callaway, Anita.>, <ExternalResource: 'Australia: National Journal', Sydney, NSW : Ure Smith.>, <ExternalResource: (1942), 'Australia Week-end Book vol.1', Sydney, NSW : Ure Smith.>, <ExternalResource: Constable, William (1952), 'Flying artist : a collection of sketches and comments from Rome, Paris, London, Karachi, Colombo and Singapore', Sydney, NSW : Legend Press.>, <ExternalResource: "Corroboree: White fella vision" thasis by Olga Sedneva, 2014>] [<ExternalResource: McCulloch, Alan (1984), 'Encyclopedia of Australian Art', Melbourne, Vic : Hutchinson of Australia (2nd edition).>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Callaway, Anita.>, <ExternalResource: 'Australia: National Journal', Sydney, NSW : Ure Smith.>, <ExternalResource: (1942), 'Australia Week-end Book vol.1', Sydney, NSW : Ure Smith.>, <ExternalResource: Constable, William (1952), 'Flying artist : a collection of sketches and comments from Rome, Paris, London, Karachi, Colombo and Singapore', Sydney, NSW : Legend Press.>]