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This exhibition is the first survey of the work of Vivienne Shark LeWitt at an Australian art museum. Shark LeWitt is a mid-career artist who maintains a unique presence in Australian art. She makes intimately scaled paintings and works on paper in a deceptively winsome style, where the size and delicacy of the work belies its emotional and poetic impact. Shark leWitt presents vignettes of emotional vulnerability, many of which speak of the subtle gender politics and power plays of everyday life.
See also the catalogue for Review
Speaking of Women, four guest lectures; by Nancy Underhill, Ann Thomson, Margo Neale, Joan Kerr; held over successive Fridays, 10-31 March 1995, by the Art Gallery Society.
Opened by Dr Liz Constable MLA, Member for Floreat, 15 February 1995
touring exhibition