Summary of Joan Thomson and Thea Lucas from The Telegraph, Brisbane 5 December 1931, p.8.


Joan Thomson and Thea Lucas, of Melbourne, have opened a modern furnishing and home decorating studio. Joan Thomson spent some years in England and on the Con- tinent. She was at school in London and Paris and is a daughter of Mrs. L. Thomson, of Toorak. . She studied art in Paris and in Jugoslavia. In France she saw some of the finest modern flats and says these are in the simplest style, the beauty of line being the chief note of the furnishings. Black lacquered suites are the mode. Joan Thomson has the visionary’s beauty-loving eyes and long graceful creative hands. Most of the furniture shown in the new studio is made of kauri after the owners’ own designs, and lacquered by themselves. Theo Lucas, who is demure and round-faced, with a lurking smile, is an expert needlewoman and a graduate of Melbourne University. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lucas, Warwick House.


Michael Bogle
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