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Vernon, Christopher (September-October 2005), “100 Forests/100 Gardens”, Architecture Australia.
(2001), 'Intersections of Art and Science’, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, Paddington, NSW, exhibition catalogue.
Holder, Jo (1995), 'Casula Powerhouse Regional Art Centre’, Art and Australia, Art and Australia, Spring 1995.
Couacaud, Sally, 'Public Art in Sydney’, Artlink, vol 14 no 3 Spring 1994.
Cater, Melissa, ''Contemporary History in the Making’, Artlink’, Artlink, vol. 14 no 3 Spring 1994.
Millner, Jacqueline (10 April 1998), 'Art Sensor’, RealTime, p. 41, .
Backen, Robyn (1999), 'Artist Choice: The Holy Face’, Art & Australia, p. 348, vol. 36,.
Best, Susan (September/October 2000), 'Public Art in the Olympic City’, Architecture Australia, pp. 81 – 85.
Brassil, Joan, 'Robyn Backen: The Archaeology of Bathing’, Art & Australia, pp. 72 – 73, Vol. 38, Spring, 2000.
Macgowan, Tempe (Oct/Nov 2000), 'The Art of the Airport’, Monument, No. 38, pp. 104 – 107.
Skinner, Peter, 'Funk & Functionality’, Architecture Australia, pp. 60 – 63, Vol. 90, No. 1, January/ February.
Chan, Kitty (2009), 'Interview with the artist’.
Couacaud, Sally (2004), ’2003 Echigo-Tsumari Triennial’, Art & Australia, Vol. 41 No. 4, Winter 2004, pp. 535 – 537.
Murphy, John (2000), 'Weeping Walls- Robyn Backen’, Sydney International Airport.
Bingham-Hall, Patrick (ed.) (2000), ''Archaeology ojavascript:jlocal()f Bathing’, Celebrating Sydney 2000 – 100 Legacies: A Pesaro Architectural Guidebook’, Pesaro Publishing, Sydney.
Best, Sue (1998), 'The Water Works of Robyn Backen’, Eyeline.
Waterlow, Nick (1996), 'Numinous Worlds’, Spirit and Place.
Ewington, Julie (1989), '...a new beginning, a raid on the inarticulate – An Essay on Robyn Backen’s Bakelite Jewellery’', VACB Overseas Promotions Magazine, p. 19.
(1998), 'Elizabeth Day. Robyn Backen. ZKM.’, Artspace Visual Arts Centre, Woolloomooloo, NSW.
Thesis (M. Art – Hist & Th), College of Fine Arts, University of NSW (2003), 'The distinction and intersection between analogue and digital communication systems in contemporary art’, Backen, Robyn.
Geczy, Adam & Genocchio, Benjamin (eds.) (2001), 'What Is Installation? An Anthology of Writings on Australian Installation Art’, Power Publications, Sydney, NSW.
Priest,G. A meeting culture through public art, RealTime issue #127 June—July 2015 pg. 50