References |
[<ExternalResource: Synapse (2012), 'David Carson's Profile', Australian Network for Art and Technology, Australia.>, <ExternalResource: (2002), 'Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth (BEAP), Locus', Perth, WA.>, <ExternalResource: Malcolm, Christopher (curator) (2002), 'Immersion (Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth)', Perth, WA.>, <ExternalResource: BEAP (2007), 'BEAP 2007, Stillness Exhibition Catalogue'.>]
[<ExternalResource: Synapse (2012), 'David Carson's Profile', Australian Network for Art and Technology, Australia.>, <ExternalResource: (2002), 'Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth (BEAP), Locus', Perth, WA.>, <ExternalResource: Malcolm, Christopher (curator) (2002), 'Immersion (Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth)', Perth, WA.>]