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[<ExternalResource: (1943), 'Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture by Australian Official War Artists', Melbourne, Vic. (1943-44), catalogue pp.15-17.>, <ExternalResource: Captain Frank Norton, AWM summary>, <ExternalResource: Cover art by Frank Norton. FIRKINS, Peter C. Strike and Return. The Story of the Exploits of No. 460 R.A.A.F. Heavy Bomber Squadron, R.A.F. Bomber Command in the World War, Perth, Paterson Brokensha Pty. Ltd., [1964]. Perth, Paterson Brokensha Pty. Ltd., [1964].>]
[<ExternalResource: (1943), 'Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture by Australian Official War Artists', Melbourne, Vic. (1943-44), catalogue pp.15-17.>]